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供應(yīng) ICT 代理產(chǎn)品

描述:ICT 提供各種*的細胞蛋白酶、細胞凋亡與細胞毒性檢測試劑盒。


ICT 提供各種*的細胞蛋白酶、細胞凋亡與細胞毒性檢測試劑盒。


ICT specializes in assays to detect intracellular proteases in whole living cells without using antibodies. 
With our new FLICA™, Magic Red™, MitoPT™, FLISP™,Cholinesterase, and Cytotoxicity kits, researchers can now quantitate apoptosis and cytotoxicity by measuring active caspases, cathepsins, serine proteases, cholinesterase, and mitochondrial functionality in live, intact cells - no lysis or permeabilization steps are required. These unique kits are not ELISAs and do not use antibodies - instead they use fluorescent-labeled cell-permeant substrate and inhibitor peptide sequences specifically targeted by active protease enzymes.
We initially founded our company in 1994 as a service laboratory doing custom immunoassay development. Through our experience developing assays, we began to sell our secret ELISA buffers as stand-alone products to researchers making their own tests. This also lead to the development of our whole-cell protease kits (which are not ELISAs). (This is why our name is Immunochemistry Technologies (ICT), and our logo looks like an antibody, even though our protease kits do not use antibodies!).

網(wǎng) 址:www.immunochemistry.com


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